Jaime Reichardt is a state and local tax partner with Citrin Cooperman’s National Tax Office. In this role, he provides consulting advice to all different types of businesses and individuals on income tax, sales tax, gross receipts tax, property tax, realty transfer tax and credits and incentives issues.
Jaime helps companies not only identify potential compliance issues and tax reporting exposures, but also assists with identifying and securing pro-active refunds, tax credits or abatements, and other incentive opportunities. He has been able to secure several million dollars in tax savings and economic development benefits. Jaime also has a proven track record of successfully resolving state tax controversies and audits with various revenue departments across tax types.
Jaime has experience resolving state tax controversies and audits with various revenue departments across tax types, including corporate income tax, franchise and net worth tax, personal income tax, sales and use tax, gross receipts tax, local business privilege or earned income taxes, real and personal property taxes, and unclaimed property. Additionally, he has advised multiple Qualified Opportunity Funds on tax compliance and structuring opportunity zone investments.
Prior to joining the firm, Jaime practiced state and local tax as an attorney with multiple large, well-known law firms in Philadelphia. Before entering private practice, he served as a tax policy advisor to the NJ Treasurer’s Office and Governor’s Office, as well as the head tax policy and economic development lobbyist for New Jersey’s largest business association.
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, summa cum laude, Rutgers University
Juris Doctor, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva University
Master of Law in Tax from Loyola Law School in Los Angeles
Licensed to practice law in the States of New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania
Honors & Awards
Jaime has received multiple honors and awards, especially throughout his education path. The most recent awards are from the Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva University, which include the James Lewis Award for Taxation, Dean’s Merit, and Public Service Scholar. Other notable honors are from Rutgers University, the political science honors society Pi Sigma Alpha, and the Eagleton Institute of Politics Undergraduate Associate Program.
Presentations & Publications
Jaime speaks frequently on topics related to state and local income and business activity taxes, nexus, income sourcing, sales tax nexus, product taxability and sourcing, as well as tax credits and incentives developments. He has been featured in publications including The Wall Street Journal, The Legal Intelligencer, and NJBIZ.
8/22/2024 - Multistate Sales & Use Tax Update: Leases, Software and Various Digital Services (Citrin Cooperman)
8/3/2024 - New Jersey Adopts a Convenience of Employer Rule and Apportionment Changes for Partnerships (Citrin Cooperman)
6/13/2024 - How to Prepare Your Automotive Dealership for a Sales Tax Audit (Citrin Cooperman)
1/18/2024 - Capitalizing on State and Local Tax Benefits and Incentives (Citrin Cooperman)
9/25/2023 - Spotlight on Manufacturing - State and Local Tax Hot Topics (Citrin Cooperman)
5/24/2021 - New Jersey is Open for Business (Citrin Cooperman)
4/23/2021 - New York State Enacts New Pass-Through Entity Tax (Citrin Cooperman)
4/23/2021 - New York Opts Out of Providing Opportunity Zone Tax Benefits (Citrin Cooperman)
10/7/2020 - Are You a Business in the OZ? (Philadelphia Opportunity Zones)
6/8/2020 - Capitalizing on the Interstate Race for Economic Development in the Wake of COVID-19 (Citrin Cooperman)
1/14/2020 - Important Change in NJ Pass-Through Law (Citrin Cooperman)
10/19/2019 - Opportunity Zones: What is All the Fuss About? (NAIOP NJ - The WeekEnder Brief)
7/25/2019 - New Jersey Taxes - They Are a-Changing... (NJCPA News)
6/22/2018 - U.S. Supreme Court Overturns Quill: Online Sellers Can Now be Compelled to Collect Sales Tax (The National Law Review)
6/18/2018 - A Taste of SALT for Software and Data Providers and Users (TechNews)
3/1/2018 - Software and Data Taxing Issues (New Jersey Business Magazine)
2/17/2018 - Property Tax Appeals – Now Is the Time (New Jersey Business Today)
8/29/2017 - There’s Some SALT on Your Clothes (Citrin Cooperman)
Committee Member, Tax Policy, New Jersey Business and IndustryAssociation (NJBIA)
Member, State Chamber of Commerce
Member, Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce
Member, Bucks County Economic Development Corporation
Member, State and Local Tax Section, Philadelphia Bar Association
Member, Council on State Taxation
Member, Institute for Professionals in Taxation
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Get in touch with Jaime Reichardt today.
Fill out the form below to get in direct contact with Jaime Reichardt and start your personalized consultation journey.