HIPAA Compliance

Focused on Keeping Your Organization Compliance Ready

Following the mandates of HIPAA can be tiresome for organizations dealing with protected health information. Our team’s expertise and customized approach can help your company right from gap assessment to sustainment plan.

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Services Included

Compliance and Sustainment
GAP Assessment

How Citrin Cooperman Can Help

If you maintain protected health information (PHI) for your customers, you are required to meet the imposing obligations of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH). 

Our professionals have decades of experience with helping businesses meet HIPAA’s administrative, physical, and technical safety standards in order to properly protect protected health information.

When You Should Reach Out

  • You don’t have adequate information regarding HIPAA and HITECH
  • You are not compliant with HIPAA and HITECH
  • You don’t perform annual risk assessment
  • You have not evaluated the reduction in annual cost of HIPAA and HITECH compliance
  • You do not have an annual sustainment plan for continued compliance


Value to Your Business

Our specialized team members take a proactive approach to ensure audits are performed in an efficient and cost effective manner, and provide up-to-date information on regulatory and technical developments.

As part of performing an audit of an employee benefit plan, our professionals evaluate the controls in place, and advise on ways to enhance the controls and procedures utilized in administrating the plan. We also have extensive knowledge of GAAP, ERISA, and IRS regulations, and have experience in representing plans subject to DOL audits or IRS exams. We believe this sets us apart as a dynamic accounting firm.


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Our HIPAA Compliance professionals are here to help.

Get in touch with a specialist today.

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